- Salty Cape Product Review: The Got One!
- Category: App
- Cost: $0.00
OK, it’s not that much of a secret that I am a total nerd when it comes to anything data related. But when it comes to keeping a fishing log, I just don’t. I have tried everything from paper to some very highly engineered apps but nothing I did was a fit for my ADHD brain and my perpetually “running late” lifestyle.
I discovered the GotOne app last when working with ASGA’s “The Albie Project” that was studying the species migration patterns of which we collectively “knew” almost nothing about. When I heard about a fishing log app being introduced to the study, I was honestly kind of dreading it. Complicated apps and wet fingers don’t jive well with me. That said, I’m generally willing to try anything, and I am a team player by nature, so I brought an open mind.
Long story short, I found myself on an “Albie Project” zoom with GotOne Founder, CEO Luyen Chou, and within a minute into his demonstration of the app I was hooked.
So smart. So simple. All the app needs is a voice command -OR- a smart phone photo taken on scene, and you have an entry that includes:
- Lat / Long with Map + Pin
- Weather at the time
- Spot Tide info
You can supplement the entry with some other details, but it’s really that simple. “Fish Smart. Fish Simple” is literally Hogy’s slogan and my personal mantra. Needless to say, the app and I were immediately simpatico. I see so easily why scientific fisheries organizations are collaborating with the app, including Hogy!
My personal favorite way to make an entry is via photo. Here are some recent entries from shooting this fall:

Luyen Chou in Southern New England.

I am lucky to have become good friends with Luyen, who is an extremely talented person with a tech background that goes as far back as his passion for fishing. I’m a far cry from a tech builder, but I do know that simplicity in any design is the most complex to engineer and he crushed it.
As a fellow entrepreneur, it’s truly uplifting to see someone with so much passion unleash such an awesome product in a very short amount of time. I have no formal affiliation with this app or his company other than I am truly routing for it -and- I literally use it every day to enter the last 3 years of iPhone pictures to make and epic fishing log to supplement all the filming we do.
Regarding privacy, I had the same question too! This is obviously, a big deal with fishing spots…. The app saves spots on the back end as a 10-mile radius pin drop. You’ll have details on your phone, but any anonymous science-related reporting will be high-level, again at that 10-mile level.
If the Hogy Albie Study is not for you, I still highly recommend you give this app “a few taps” to back date some fish pics on your phone. You will be impressed. I’ll personally refund your money if you don’t like it 😉
You’ll be hard pressed to find a question about the app, but if you’ve got one, shoot us an email (info@saltycape.com). We all use the app on all our film shoots now. We’re happy to help, and as always, to talk fishing…
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- Tagging False Albacore | The Albie Project
- Tag & Release Fishing for False Albacore
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