Horseshoe Shoal #457
Horseshoe shoal spans about a 2.5-mile area. Horseshoe shoal is located about halfway between
Falmouth and Hyannis.
Horseshoe shoal is best known as a premier location for large bluefish but fluke and sea bass are
often bycatch in this area. Though Horseshoe shoal may be limited in its variety (mainly
bluefish) it is a very consistent spot throughout the season for big bluefish, always a crowd
Horseshoe Shoal is a funny place. Often, you won’t see any surface commotion, even when the
place is loaded with bluefish. If you are the first to arrive and don’t see any signs of life, do not
worry about it too much. I see two approaches at Horseshoe Shoal: “off the rip” and “on the rip”
Open Water: Look for the #2 Can in about 25 feet of water.
- CASTING: Long drifts with great top-water casting can be had by starting at either
position (1) or (2) depending on what direction the tide is running. Start at (1) on an East
bound tide and (2) on a West bound tide. Throw large top-water plugs with single hooks.
You may not get any follows at first but be patient. Before you know it, you’ll have
multiple fish following your plug. - TROLLING: In this same area, cover ground with your trolling outfits. Though not
needed, lead-core or trolling sinkers to get lures down deep if fish are holding bottom are
popular here. Check out this video we made a few years with Hogy Perfect Squids
On The Rip:
- Troll an S-Pattern along eastern side of the rip between buoys “7” and “WR.” Be sure to
closely watch the depth as shallow water is present. Use shallow swimming plugs and
squid style lures and stay in 10 – 15 feet of water.
- Lat & Long: 41°32.4’ x 70°23’ (northwest corner near buoy “7”)
- Best Tide: Incoming, Action slows at slack tide.
- Hazards: Very shallow water in places between buoy “7” and buoy “WR” with depths of 5 feet
or less at low tide. Mixed rock and sand bottom. High, short chop develops at the height of the
tide when wind direction is against the tide.