Inside Fingers #449

The Inside Fingers is located between the Claw and the Star. It’s a little farther from Block
Island and Montauk, so it sees more Cape Cod based boaters than the others. It doesn’t take long
to look at the chart to realize how much structure is there. The Inside Fingers is about par with
the Claw and Coxes Ledge for shark fishing.

The water is a little deeper here, so it makes for better cod fishing than the Claw. Tuna-wise the
Inside Fingers is a productive bluefin spot (sometimes top water) but also the blue-water fish
when warm water eddies move in. Often fished in conjunction with the Claw.

Like all the other “inside offshore” spots baitfish found here includes butterfish, small squid,
sand eels, hake and small mackerel. As with the Claw and Coxes, I like to troll the structure here
when temp breaks aren’t a consideration. Firstly, I start with trolling the wreck line (1) If
nothing, I will zig zag the various contour lines. Back and forth between (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) and (6).

insidefingers_chart2Be ready for mahi mahi. If you like casting to tuna, you should have at least one spinning rod rigged for top water tuna and they are known to come up here. Also, marlin are seen cruising the surface here from time to time.

A Few Tips To Get You Started:

  1. The Inside Fingers is a highly underrated spot for “Plan B” Cod fishing. The techniques
    here are no different than those we used when filming this video for Cod at Coxes
  2. Keep your eyes peeled here for white marlin. Especially later in the season.
  • Approximate Lat & Long:  41° 02.500′ N, 70° 40.500′ W
  • Best tide: Varies