Miacomet Rip #430

Miacomet Rip is almost centrally located on the South side of Nantucket and is one of the most Iconic Spots to target bluefish. I caught my first 20+ lb bluefish here in 1988 and the spot is still known for it’s massive blues that line up the rip like a wall of cored wood.
The rip here is hard-core so you want to be super aware of the rip at all times. With boat under power, stand well off the rip and cast large plugs perpendicular to the rip and work them as they swing in. My favorite lure here is the Hogy Surface Pencil. Here’s a diagram on how to fish it.
Troll in deep water well off the rip on the down-tide side using large lures on wire line.
- Lat & Long: 41°14’ x 70°06.5’
- Best tide: Incoming.
- Hazards: Very strong rip with large standing waves at strongest portion of the tide; very large ocean swells may be present. Dangerous to approach in small craft.