How-To: Fishing the Golf Balls for Tuna #465

Fishing the Golf Balls for Tuna #465

When I think of this area, also known as Tuna Coast, I think of it in loose terms with the golf ball shaped water Tanks as a reference point.  This patch of coastline starts getting tuna-friendly at about 120-feet and many anglers run the contour line in a search pattern but I would argue that if you had the time, weather and fuel to burn a search pattern into deeper water, is it well worth the effort, especially if you have cod on the brain for a plan B, keeping in mind you could easily find yourself far enough south to keep cod.

To scan this region, I’ll make one pass in 120-feet of water and one wider pass in deeper water. Depending on what direction I arrived at the Golf Balls from, I will either work my way back towards Peaked Hill Bar or Race Point if I departed from Cape Cod Bay or out towards the BC Buoy if I made the long run from the South Side.

  • Golf Balls Coordinates 42°2.538′ N, 69°59.680′ W